Information and communication technology (ICT) is a tool that enhances the administrative activities of higher education institutions, making it convenient for the users to communicate or exchange information with others. ICT contributes to education in many ways, such as: as a collaborative tool; as a tool to support traditional subjects; as an administrative tool; and many more.
The rapid advancements in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the resultant explosive growth of the ICT services sector have radically changed the world’s economic and social landscape; the ICT in education sector is not left behind. This have given rise to a new way in the educational sector in teaching and learning.
The pioneer Vice Chancellor (Prof. S. C. Chiemeke) recognises ICT as a resource that must be implemented from scratch as the university is new. The implementations are seen in the areas of staff being able to collaborate with other universities, thus contributing significantly to the quality of education and improving research outputs among universities through ICT-based teaching and learning.
The university’s ICT Directorate has all it takes to make the university one of the best globally. The school has a website, a portal system, and a Learning Management System. Staff and students can collaborate with other institutions globally.